విడాకుల సమయం – Timing of Divorce in Astrology – This chart is of a female native, who got divorced after 12 years of marriage. The enquiry of the native is about second marriage.
Key observations used when judging the Dasha, Progressions of the natives.
# Observation – Aquarius ascendant, Lagna lord Saturn and 7th lord Sun in the house of the same nakshatra at the same degree in Magha nakshatra which is ruled by Ketu. Ketu in the 2nd house.
# Observation – Jupiter occupied the nakshatra of Saturn. So, marriage happened during Jupiter maha dasha and Mercury antardasha. Jupiter and Mercury occupied the 6th house.
# Observation – Saturn was combust, because of which divorce happened when the Saturn mahadasha started.
# Observation – Whenever, there is a spiritual combination which is a link between Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu and this connects to the marriage houses, the native will not have a satisfied married life or will have divorce then it leads driving towards spirituality in life.
# Observation – When marriage happened there were no serious progressions but future progressions are not favourable for marriage. Advised not to marry again.
# Observation – The Lagna also fell in the star of Danishta which is related to Bheesma.
This video is an analysis of how there is an involvement of the lagna nakshatra, seventh house creating a divorce and forming a spiritual yoga to the native.
►Dear learners, please do not scare people with your predictions in the initial days of practice, ensure that you have attained perfection before applying your knowledge in real-time.
►This is an approach only meant for astrologers
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