ప్రేమ వివాహ పొంతన – Love Marriage Compatibility Telugu – In the above video astrologically explained about male & female horoscopes matching as per astrology and the further situations. The male native is born at Pisces ascendant, 7th lord occupied 12th house, 7th lord aspected by Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn from the 6th house, and explained regarding the marital life & love compatibility. For Pisces ascendant Mercury is lord of the 4th & 7th house, being lord of Ubhaya Kendra houses mercury should be at the (6th, 8th, 12th, houses) will give good results generally.
The female native is born at Aries ascendant, 7th lord Venus occupied 3rd house and conjoined with Sun & Mercury, and explained regarding the marital life & love compatibility. For Aries ascendant Venus is lord of 2nd & 7th house, being the lord of maraka houses. Venus should be at the (6th, 8th, 12th houses) will give good results generally.
Before reading any birth chart you need to understand the purpose of reading. The horoscope should be read-only if there is an essential astrological requirement.
In astrology 7th house indicates marriage, 2nd house family, and 11th house children (with the wife). When 2nd & 7th houses or planets are connected to Dasha, karaka planets & karaka houses, marriage will take place. Coming to love marriage you will find involvement of 5th or 9th 3rd or 11th houses with 7th lord.
Mars, the male, and the malefic planet is the kalatra karaka for females, and also a reason that scares regarding Mangalik Dosha. Refer to our previous videos to know in greater detail. Hence, don’t rely on a single combination during prediction.
As there are 12 ascendants, for every ascendant, there are certain specific sets of rules. The current chart which is a real-time example can help to understand in greater detail.
If you follow only Vedic, you need to consider the birth chart & navamsa chart to double-check the same yoga. But what I exactly do is analyze the Basic planetary combinations, judge the current and near-future period by validating the current Dasha period, the favorable time period for marriage, Life in the next 5 years from the marriage, the western marriage compatibility and also conclude the same from the partner’s chart.
Houses related to marriage life 2nd house – Family, interpersonal relation 7th house – Legal Marriage & Relationship, Marital Life 4th house – Comforts & Family, Peace 5th house – Children, Fortune of Past Life 8th house- Manglya Stana for Female 9th house – Luck / Fortune from the past life 11th house – Satisfaction, Children of Wife, Happiness 12th house – Bed Comforts, Marital Life
As per my experience if the 7th lord retrogrades or the star lord of the 7th lord retrogrades and if they are not in the 2nd, 10th, or 11th house, there might be a problem in marriage and we have to examine the horoscope deeper.
(Astrology doesn’t always predict the exact situations, but the nearest possibilities)
Western Progressions helps you in understanding the natives’ mental stability & performance. Parashara Vimshottari Dasha System can check the nature of past karma (good/bad) astrologically which is also essential.
Note: Verification of past events & rectification of birth time are most important while judging events as it enhances the accuracy of interpretation & builds confidence in the astrologer.
An analytical approach to read a horoscope easily (described in the following steps)
1) Planetary Positions – Know characteristics & nature 2) Past Time – As an astrologer, we should be aware of the need to check our interpretation/calculations about past events. 3) Present & Future – Based on our interpretation regarding the past, its accuracy is considered to estimate or understand the present and future. In the example given here, the original birth details are used (With the natives’ permission) and the steps followed are explained.
The following points should be checked (in the Janma Jataka Chakram) 1 ) Ascendant lord, 1-5-9 Lords 2 ) Ascendant lord, 2nd & 10th Lords 3 ) Negative Combinations (Between Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu) 4 ) Judging Dasha Periods & Their star lords 5 ) Western Progressions & Transit
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